Democracy and the Performance of the Nigerian Economy
PDF Democracy and the Performance of the Nigerian Economy
The result of descriptive statistics revealed that on the average GDP is higher during democracy than during the military, unemployment rates, poverty level and corruption were found on the average be higher during democracy than during military , inflation rate on the average is higher during the military than during democracy.. source:
Democracy and the Performance of the Nigerian Economy - ResearchGate
Democracy and the Performance of the Nigerian Economy Authors: Aminu Umaru Central Bank of Nigeria Nigeria Gbenga Adeyemi Bolaji Eunice Kehinde Abstract This paper investigates the impact of.... source:
Democracy and the Performance of the Nigerian Economy - Semantic Scholar
The paper divide the period into two (military and democracy i.e. 1983-1998 and 1999-2012).It's employed descriptive statistic (comparative analysis of major indicators of economic performance in Nigeria through simple averages) and multiple regression analysis (OLS), causality as well as Johansen cointegration technique.. source:
20 years of democracy: Has Nigeria changed for the better?
Economic malaise The country's economy has seen a boom since the return of civilian rule. Nigeria's GDP has grown six-fold since 1999, according to World Bank data. In 1999, despite its vast.... source:
Full article: Does liberal democracy promote economic development ...
From this analysis, it is evident that Nigeria has consistently recorded abysmal poor performance in the HDI, a key indicator for measuring economic development. Similarly, Table 7 shows the progressive appreciation in the level of unemployment within the period under study.. source:
Nigerians give country's economy, political system low ratings | Pew ...
Only 39% of Nigerians are satisfied with the way democracy is working in their country, while 60% say they are not satisfied. This negative sentiment is similar to what was found in 2017 but is slightly improved from 2013, when Goodluck Jonathan was president and 72% were dissatisfied with the way democracy was working.. source:
Democracy and the Economic Development of Nigeria ... - ResearchGate
This paper investigates the impact of democratic dispensation on the performance of the Nigerian economy between 1983 and 2012. The paper divide the period into two (military and democracy i.e .... source:
PDF Performance and Legitimacy in Nigeria's New Democracy - Afrobarometer
At the time of the political handover, many Nigerians expressed hopes for a "democracy dividend" that would expand political liberties, improve the performance of government, encourage accountability among leaders, and revive the ailing economy.. source:
The Current Situation in Nigeria | United States Institute of Peace
As Africa's most populous country, largest economy and most notable democracy, Nigeria is a bellwether for the continent. A weakening economy, rising insecurity and violent conflicts threaten progress made in its democratic development. Amid deepening distrust in government and institutions, Nigeria has significant work to do in improving national, state and local security and governance .... source:
Nigerian State and the Crisis of Governance: A Critical Exposition ...
In Nigeria, democracy has not yielded the expected results due to the character of the political elites who has a ... (2018). Public sector performance in the Nigerian downstream oil sector: A critical reflection. Journal of ... Oshikoya T. W. (2008). Nigeria in the global economy: Nigeria's integration into the global economy is below its .... source: