Transformation of the Arab Gulf Economies into Knowledge Economies: Motivational Issues Related to the Tertiary Education Sector
Transformation of the Arab Gulf Economies into Knowledge Economies ...
Transformation of the Arab Gulf Economies into Knowledge Economies: Motivational Issues Related to the Tertiary Education Sector is professor at the Zayed University in Dubai, and formerly an associate professor at the Center for Contemporary Middle East Studies, University of Southern Denmark.. source:
PDF Transformation of the Arab Gulf Economies into Knowledge Economies ...
Over the past ten years, Arab Gulf states have made it an explicit aim to transform their economies into Knowledge Economies.1 Former Minister of Economy and Trade in Qatar Sheikh Mohamed Ahmed Jassim Al Thani defined the motivations for this transition precisely, when he said: "[i]n recent years, the 'knowledge economy' concept has become an es.... source:
Transformation of the Arab Gulf Economies into Knowledge Economies ...
Over the past ten years, Arab Gulf states have made it an explicit aim to transform their economies into Knowledge Economies.However, changing economic platforms is no easy task for a state, and the success of a Knowledge Economy rests on the intricate relationship between knowledge, entrepreneurship, motivation, enabling economic and institutional regimes, and a great deal of other factors.. source:
Reaching for the Stars: How and Why do the Gulf States Aim to Transform ...
The backdrop to the emphasis on transforming to a knowledge economy is that the Gulf states are in a period of economic transition and, according to their development plans and visions, the aim is to transform their economies away from dependence on oil and gas and to become advanced, knowledge based post-oil economies with solid and economicall.... source:
The State and the Knowledge Economy in the Gulf: Structural and ...
It is no easy task for a state to transform into a knowledge economy, because a successful knowledge economy rests on an intricate relationship between, entrepreneurship, motivation, enabling economic and institutional regimes, and so forth.. source:
The State and the Knowledge Economy in the Gulf: Structural and ...
Semantic Scholar extracted view of "The State and the Knowledge Economy in the Gulf: Structural and Motivational Challenges" by M. Hvidt ... Arab Higher Education in the Global Era, focuses on internationalization of higher education in ... Arab Gulf countries have made it an explicit aim to transform their economies into a knowledge-based .... source:
Transforming Arab Economies : Traveling Knowledge and Innovation Road ...
07. Economic and Sector Work (ESW) Studies Sector/Thematic Studies General Economy, Macroeconomics, and Growth Study Transforming Arab Economies : Traveling Knowledge and Innovation Road, Overview. source:
Transforming Arab Economies : The Knowledge and Innovation Road
Knowledge has always been central to development. A thousand years ago the Arab civilization led the world in knowledge, prosperity, and development. More generally, the Arab world is currently undergoing a transition on three fronts: 1) a political transition, which seeks to replace authoritarian powers with more democratic ones; 2) a social transition in which equitable programs to protect .... source:
The State and the Knowledge Economy in the Gulf: Structural and ...
According to Chen and Dahlman (2005), the successful transition to the knowledge economy frequently includes four elements: the modernization of the ICT infrastructures, investments in.... source:
Transforming Arab Economies : The Knowledge and Innovation Road
In addition, India can count on a number of strengths as it strives to transform itself into a knowledge-based economy-availability of skilled human capital, a democratic system, widespread use of English, macroeconomic stability, a dynamic private sector, institutions of a free market economy; a local market that is one of the largest in the .... source: