Low grade thermal energy sources and uses from the process industry in the UK
Low grade thermal energy sources and uses from the process industry in the UK
Low grade thermal energy sources and uses from the process industry in the UK Yasmine Ammar , Sharon Joyce , Rosemary Norman , Yaodong Wang , Anthony P. Roskilly Add to Mendeley Get rights and content Abstract. source: https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0306261911003734
Low grade thermal energy sources and uses from the process industry in ...
Low grade thermal energy sources and uses from the process industry in the UK Yasmine Ammar , Sharon Joyce , Rosemary Norman , Yaodong Wang , Anthony P. Roskilly Add to Mendeley Get rights and content Abstract. source: https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0306261911003734
Low grade thermal energy sources and uses from the process industry in ...
In general, the temperatures of these waste heat sources are too low to produce electricity and direct heat use will depend on whether potential user can be found.This paper presents past.... source: https://www.researchgate.net/publication/257156989_Low_grade_thermal_energy_sources_and_uses_from_the_process_industry_in_the_UK
Low grade thermal energy sources and uses from the process industry in ...
14 Heat recovery opportunities in UK manufacturing G. Hammond J. Norman Engineering, Environmental Science 2012 A database of the heat demand, heat recovery potential and location of UK industrial sites involved in the EU Emissions Trading System, was used to estimate the potential application of different… Expand. source: https://www.semanticscholar.org/paper/Low-grade-thermal-energy-sources-and-uses-from-the-Ammar-Joyce/2983fd2600a7cc09a234d4be954b929d4c6c2577
State-of-the-Art Technologies on Low-Grade Heat Recovery and ...
The definition of low-grade heat sources, the working principle, recent advances in research and development (R&D), and commercial applications of the technologies (if any) will be discussed, followed by concluding remarks on advantages and disadvantages, future outlook, barriers, and opportunities. Books Book Series Journals Publish About News. source: https://www.intechopen.com/chapters/62100
Low grade thermal energy sources and uses from the process industry in ...
Low grade thermal energy sources and uses from the process industry in the UK Rosemary Norman Sharon Joyce 2012, Applied Energy See Full PDF Download PDF Related Papers Applied Thermal Engineering Opportunities for low-grade heat recovery in the UK food processing industry 2013 • Adam Harvey Download Free PDF View PDF. source: https://www.academia.edu/26154903/Low_grade_thermal_energy_sources_and_uses_from_the_process_industry_in_the_UK
Low grade thermal energy sources and uses from the process industry in ...
Thermal energy loss in the process industry is a significant issue due to the high temperatures and multiple heat intensive processes involved. High-grade thermal energy is typically recovered within processes. However, lower grade heat is often rejected to the environment. The benefits of capturing and utilising low grade thermal energy are highly dependent on the qualities and properties of .... source: https://typeset.io/papers/low-grade-thermal-energy-sources-and-uses-from-the-process-52s8vbff63
Energy & Environmental Science - RSC Publishing
Low-grade thermal energy (o200 1C) generated by industry, but also increasingly available from geothermal energy sources and rooftop solar thermal collectors, is an enormous underutilized resource. For example, as much as 20 to 50% of the energy consumed in the industrial manufacturing processes is lost as waste heat.. source: https://pubs.rsc.org/en/content/articlepdf/2020/ee/d0ee01590c
Maximising the recovery of low grade heat: An integrated heat ...
The key features of the framework include the role of heat pumps to upgrade heat which can significantly enhance energy efficiency; the selection process of heat pump designs which was aided by the development of 'Heat Pump Thresholds' to decide if heat pump designs are cost-competitive with steam generation combustion boiler; a decision making .... source: https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0306261915011022
A knowledge-based system for low-grade waste heat recovery in the ...
Significant gains can be made in this sector by recovering low-grade waste heat as up to 14 TWh per annum (4% of total energy use) of the UK process industries' energy consumption is lost as recoverable waste heat.. source: https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S1359431115011503