Exploring the Bullwhip Effect by Means of Spreadsheet Simulation


Exploring the Bullwhip Effect by Means of Spreadsheet Simulation ...

One of the main supply chain deficiencies is the bullwhip effect: Demand fluctuations increase as one moves up the supply chain from retailer to manufacturer. The beer distribution game is widely known for illustrating these supply chain dynamics in class. In this paper we present a spreadsheet exploring the two key causes of the bullwhip .... source: https://pubsonline.informs.org/doi/abs/10.1287/ited.1090.0038

Exploring the Bullwhip Effect by Means of Spreadsheet Simulation - SSRN

An important supply chain research problem is the bullwhip effect: demand fluctuations increase as one moves up the supply chain from retailer to manufacturer. It has been recognized that demand forecasting and ordering policies are two of the key causes of the bullwhip effect.. source: https://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=1094649

Exploring the Bullwhip Effect by Means of Spreadsheet Simulation

In this paper we present a spreadsheet application, exploring the two key causes of the bullwhip effect: demand forecasting and the type of ordering policy. We restrict our attention to a single .... source: https://www.researchgate.net/publication/46430054_Exploring_the_Bullwhip_Effect_by_Means_of_Spreadsheet_Simulation

PDF Exploring the Bullwhip Effect by Means of Spreadsheet Simulation Robert ...

researchers to quantify the bullwhip effect, to identify possible causes and consequences, and to suggest various countermeasures to tame or reduce the bullwhip effect. A number of researchers designed games to illustrate the bullwhip effect. The most famous game is the "Beer Distribution Game". T his game has a rich history:. source: https://public.vlerick.com/Publications/9dad361f-6aa9-e011-8a89-005056a635ed.pdf

Exploring the bullwhip effect by means of spreadsheet simulation ...

Gale Academic OneFile includes Exploring the bullwhip effect by means of spreadsheet s by Robert N. Boute and Marc R. Lambrecht. Click to explore. Use this link to get back to this page.. source: https://link.gale.com/apps/doc/A221205370/AONE?u=googlescholar&xid=0722d45e

Exploring the Bullwhip Effect by Means of Spreadsheet Simulation

This paper presents a spreadsheet application, exploring the two key causes of the bullwhip effect: demand forecasting and the type of ordering policy, and illustrates how tuning the parameters of the replenishment policy induces or reduces the bullWhip effect. An important supply chain research problem is the bullwhip effect: demand fluctuations increase as one moves up the supply chain from .... source: https://www.semanticscholar.org/paper/Exploring-the-Bullwhip-Effect-by-Means-of-Boute-Lambrecht/1c825e46e3b93c0c1021647b05f3899c0e918567

PDF Exploring the bullwhip effect by means of spreadsheet simulation

In this paper we present a spreadsheet application, exploring the two key causes of the bullwhip effect: demand forecasting and the type of ordering policy. We restrict our attention to a single product two-echelon system and illustrate how tuning the parameters of the replenishment policy induces or reduces the bullwhip effect.. source: https://core.ac.uk/download/pdf/6468549.pdf

ExploringtheBullwhipEffectby MeansofSpreadsheetSimulation - PubsOnLine

technique in our spreadsheet models, we observe the impact of this forecast method on the order behavior. Assuming i.i.d. demand, 1-week periods, and a 2-week lead time, bullwhip equals 3.63 for Tm =4 weeks. With Tm =52 weeks (one year), we obtain a much smaller bullwhip of 1.12 and we approachthechasesalespolicy.Indeed,themoredata. source: https://pubsonline.informs.org/doi/pdf/10.1287/ited.1090.0038

Exploring the bullwhip effect by means of spreadsheet simulation

Contact & Info. Contact Vlerick Journal List Open Access Vlerick Business School. Statistics. source: https://repository.vlerick.com/handle/20.500.12127/2268

Exploring the bullwhip effect by means of spreadsheet simulation ...

In this paper we present a spreadsheet application, exploring the two key causes of the bullwhip effect: demand forecasting and the type of ordering policy. We restrict our attention to a single product two-echelon system and illustrate how tuning the parameters of the replenishment policy induces or reduces the bullwhip effect.. source: https://www.appliedforecasting.com/exploring-the-bullwhip-effect-by-means-of-spreadsheet-simulation/