A classical-Marxian model of antebellum slavery


classical-Marxian model of antebellum slavery - Oxford Academic

This paper outlines a classical-Marxian model of the antebellum US economy. The model assumes that the mobility of capital tended to equalize the rate of profit between North and South, whilst land rents were minimized by an expanding frontier.. source: https://academic.oup.com/cje/article/43/1/107/4868462

PDF A Classical{Marxian Model of Antebellum Slavery - ResearchGate

2. Presentation of the model We base our model on the conventional wage model with land of Foley and Michl (1999, ch.11), adapting it to the mixed slave/wage labor capitalist economy of the .... source: https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Duncan-Foley-2/publication/319667658_A_Classical-Marxian_Model_of_Antebellum_Slavery/links/59f5cef8458515547c230518/A-Classical-Marxian-Model-of-Antebellum-Slavery.pdf

A Classical-Marxian Model of Antebellum Slavery - ResearchGate

This paper outlines a classical-Marxian model of the antebellum U.S. economy. The model assumes that the mobility of capital tended to equalize the rate of profit between North and South,.... source: https://www.researchgate.net/publication/319667658_A_Classical-Marxian_Model_of_Antebellum_Slavery

A classical-Marxian model of antebellum slavery - Semantic Scholar

This paper outlines a classical-Marxian model of the antebellum US economy. The model assumes that the mobility of capital tended to equalize the rate of profit between North and South, whilst land rents were minimized by an expanding frontier. Under these conditions slave prices are the capitalized present value of the excess surplus value produced by slaves.. source: https://www.semanticscholar.org/paper/A-classical-Marxian-model-of-antebellum-slavery-Clegg-Foley/8a927485c964531f27069a90c09b983b4fabb4bf

A classical-Marxian model of antebellum slavery - EconPapers

A classical-Marxian model of antebellum slavery. John Clegg and Duncan Foley. Cambridge Journal of Economics, 2019, vol. 43, issue 1, 107-138 . Abstract: This paper outlines a classical-Marxian model of the antebellum US economy. The model assumes that the mobility of capital tended to equalize the rate of profit between North and South, whilst land rents were minimized by an expanding frontier.. source: https://econpapers.repec.org/RePEc:oup:cambje:v:43:y:2019:i:1:p:107-138.

A classical-Marxian model of antebellum slavery - IDEAS/RePEc

This paper outlines a classical-Marxian model of the antebellum US economy. The model assumes that the mobility of capital tended to equalize the rate of profit between North and South, whilst land rents were minimized by an expanding frontier.. source: https://ideas.repec.org/a/oup/cambje/v43y2019i1p107-138..html

A classical-Marxian model of antebellum slavery | Oxford Academic

b Here the denominator, y, is derived by taking the value of slave-produced staples (cotton, molasses, rice, sugar and tobacco) per slave in agriculture (Towne and Rasmussen, 1960; Weiss, 1992), subtracting depreciation (Ransom and Sutch, 1977, p. 211) and adding estimates of m, consumption per slave, from Conrad and Meyer (1958, p. 104), Foust and Swan (1970, p.. source: https://academic.oup.com/view-large/129888561

A classical-Marxian model of antebellum slavery | Oxford Academic

Average slave price 1804-1861 *a 832.24 264.39 58 504 1564 Wage index for common labor 1800-1861 b 80.45 12.96 61 57 111 Value productivity of slaves (cotton) 1800-1861 *c 119.75 41.57 61 55.26 223.1 Value productivity of free farmers 1800-1861 *d 236.77 28.53 61 197.66 289.75. source: https://academic.oup.com/view-large/129888710

A Classical-Marxian Model of Antebellum Slavery - Lund University

This paper outlines a classical-Marxian model of the antebellum US economy. The model assumes that the mobility of capital tended to equalize the rate of profit between North and South, whilst land rents were minimized by an expanding frontier.. source: https://portal.research.lu.se/en/publications/a-classical-marxian-model-of-antebellum-slavery

The Economics of Slavery in the Ante Bellum South

A classical-Marxian model of antebellum slavery. John J. Clegg D. Foley. Economics, History. 2019; This paper outlines a classical-Marxian model of the antebellum US economy. The model assumes that the mobility of capital tended to equalize the rate of profit between North and South, .... source: https://www.semanticscholar.org/paper/The-Economics-of-Slavery-in-the-Ante-Bellum-South-Conrad-Meyer/9bc16dfd281580958946ba383f65a6ef9933bdeb